Who is the most powerful military in ASEAN 2017? (New Analysis)
The expenditure of the military budget of Southeast Asia is still relatively small compared to other regions in the world. Referring to data from SIPRI, South East Asia's total military expenditure is only 2.8 percent of total worldwide military budget by 2016. That year, Southeast Asia issued a military budget of $ 37.91 billion. This figure is only about one-eighth of the East Asian budget. East Asia, the same year is known to spend $ 308.11 billion in military funds, or 18.73 percent of the overall world military budget. Proportion of World Military Spending 2016 Southeast Asia is not an area that is not taken into account. There are several areas in Southeast Asia that serve as a base or location of defense cooperation of the United States in the context of US military dispositions in the Western Pacific. In The Military Balance 2017 published by The International Institute for Strategic Studies states that in the Bangkok area, Thailand, there is a Jo...
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